
Gap in your game: part 4

Gordon Hillson

16 May 2022

If there’s one gap you don’t want to leave in your game, it’s in your irons. Driving the ball 250 yards down the fairway is no use if the following shot is a wild iron miscue, and those one-putt finishes aren’t much fun if they’re just limiting the damage. You hit your irons a lot during a round, so let’s make sure you’re hitting them well.

In last week’s driver article, we mentioned a drill for making sure you hit upwards on the ball. Just to make the sport even harder, you should be doing the opposite with your irons. To help with this, we have a very handy drill for you to try.

Improve your ball striking

Push a tee into the ground about a shoe’s width behind your ball (as seen above). If you’re hitting down at impact, you won’t smash through that second tee. When you’re successful, you’ll also notice that your divots will never start before the ball. The great thing about this drill is that as you progress, you can move the tee closer to your ball for a more advanced version.

Irons for better play

We hope that drill will help your iron-play, but there’s another pretty key component we need to address: the irons themselves. And, while TaylorMade’s Stealth range for 2022 brought you the stunning red-faced driver, it also offered up another stunner in the irons.

On top of their beautiful appearance, the TaylorMade Stealth irons boast an intelligent sweet spot that caters to the most common impact areas; making it easier to find that pure contact we’re looking for in the drill.

TaylorMade Stealth irons
TaylorMade Stealth irons

To experience the forged feel that Tour pros get to enjoy, you can look to TaylorMade’s P-790 irons. You’ll find the same ‘intelligent sweet spot’ technology in the P-790, but in a more compact shape and players set-up. The irons are true stunners.

Stealth and P-790 are just a couple of the wide array of irons from TaylorMade. The legendary club manufacturer offers irons for game improvement, elite ball striking and everything in-between, and they’re all available through us. So, feel free to swing by the pro shop and experience them for yourself.

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